Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I feel like I use this adverb all the time now. Finally, I got to do (fill in the blank). Prior to having Mitch I would say, "Oh, when he's napping, I'll be able to paint the dining room, paint our bedroom, order new bedroom furniture, work on the garden, work on his scrapbook, etc." The list went on. I have accomplished a few of those to-dos but mostly I enjoy sleeping when I can.

With 2 weeks to go before I go back to work part time I thought I'd pull a classic Chrissie move and sandwich a million things into a short time frame. This past week we (insert favorite adverb here) visited my Nana, went to West Chester (I know it was November when I was last there but WHERE did that Starbucks come from???? I was both shocked and relieved since it provided a sancuary for feeding a child his bottle). Anyway, we also made it into center city to visit my co-workers and show off the little fella. On a personal note, I left my house - solo - to get together with some gals over drinks (this is a pathetic subject...I have NO tolerance...none...I couldn't finish my sad) and then saw Sex and the City at the Roxy. I completed some ominous health insurance paperwork (this was a big chore that I put off for a while) and finalized the layout of my wedding album (yeah, it's been two years but at least it's coming together). Today, after nearly two months, I will finally have my nails done. I can bring the baby just about anywhere but I can't take him into a nail salon. Way too toxic!

Next week we venture to Doylestown to visit friends and maybe check out that pirate exhibition at the Franklin Institute. Oh and then there's the beach...and Lambertville. Knowing me, I'm sure I'll come up with a slew of other things for us to do (in addition to the gardening and craft projects that linger).

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