Thursday, February 23, 2012

You'll be fine

Just found myself saying to my cousin the very words I heard the other day..."You know more about yourself at 24/25 than I will be fine...try not to be so hard on yourself."  Because I knew how I was then.  I saw myself in her, in that moment.  Young and overwhelmed. 

So for all the "you're young" comments I hear, they must have heard them too...for all the stress I put on myself and unloaded, they were there too.  More than there...they see themselves in me. 

I've taken some of those comments as condescending, a little mockery, like they don't take me seriously, like I'm always a baby despite all my efforts to look otherwise.  But maybe that's not really it...

And maybe the only words to say are those because really, I wouldn't have been able to handle, to live, anything more than that at 24/25.  Or now at 34.  Even now, I think of what I might have told myself then and if it could have mattered.  All I come up with is exactly what was said to me.  I would not have believed or listened to anything else because I had to figure stuff out on my own.

It's an amazing moment realizing someone sees him/herself in you.

"You will be fine."

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